martes, 25 de diciembre de 2012



Marques de Alcañices, de Santiago de Oropesa, y del Valle de Oaxaca

Noble Knights and Ladies
On behalf of the Sovereign Chivalrous Order of Christ the Savior, We sincerely congratulate you and your family with the most waited and holly holidays – Christmas and New 2013 Year!

These are the most favorite and happiest days for us from our childhood.They are enlightened with the shine of the holiday of mutual joy, happiness, waiting for miracle and fairy, hope and warmth in our souls.

Looking back to 2012 we are encouraged to say that that year passed successfully. It brought many pleasant moments and unforgettable impressions for everyone of us. That year was full of events, hard labor, deep content

and deeds. It presented us the joy of meetings, inventions, victories, and achievements, new professional and life experience. 

We sincerely wish you the great human happiness, strong health, kindness and joy, faithful friends and close people aside. Let new 2013 year bring you only kind hopes and intentions, wealth to you and your families. Let peace, love and concordance be in your homes.

Let God’s blessings be with all your deeds sainted by immortal Faith, Hope and Love, and let shiny Christmas Star enlighten your way to the future!

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

H.M. Vitaly Alexander Grand Duke Arho
The Grand Master of the Sovereign Knightly Order of Christ the Savior

H.Н. Lyudmila Ioanna Princess Arch Ontisa
Patroness of the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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San Ignacio de Loyola

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